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Your COVID-19 one-stop link shop

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

There’s so much information to take in right now.

To help you manage this challenging time, we’ve put together a list of all the COVID-19 links you may need to access.

Find out what’s happening in your state or territory

Every part of Australia is experiencing COVID-19 differently. And if you ask two of your mates about the rules, you’re likely to get two different answers. So before you head out (or stay in), check the official state and territory health department websites. There, you’ll find up-to-date information about any restrictions, warnings and laws.

The Australian Government’s Coronavirus Apps

The Federal government has released a handy app with all the latest official information and advice. It includes things like symptom checkers, push notifications for urgent updates and contact information in case you need more help.

Download it for your Apple or Android device.

The Federal Government has also released an automated Australian coronavirus Whatsapp chatbot. Visit the link from your phone and you’ll be prompted to send a message. Then, interact with the bot to get tailored information about the novel coronavirus and what it might mean for you.

Most recently the Governments COVIDSafe app speeds up contacting people exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). To help us all stay safe and protect ourselves, our friends and family. Download the App to your Apple or Android device today.

Stay safe and healthy

Find out how to protect yourself and others with tips for hygiene, social distancing and self-isolation.

If you or someone else isn’t feeling well, this short quiz will step you through the factors to see if you might be at risk.

It’s totally normal to feel anxious or depressed right now. If you need extra support, check out available services and tips to get you through rough patches.

Unfortunately, self-isolation can put victims of domestic and family violence at even higher risk. If you’re worried about yourself or someone you care about, WIRE has a free PDF download.

For one-on-one support, the 1800 RESPECT hotline is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. In an emergency, always call 000 first.

Find financial support

The Federal government has announced a number of economic packages to help individuals and families.

Managing losing your job

If you’re newly unemployed because of COVID-19, we’ve got all the information you about applying for Centrelink payments, what benefits are available, and where to go for support.

Small business owners can read about support for employers and their employees, including the JobKeeper payment, increased instant asset write-offs and other changes to existing policies. If in doubt, contact your accountant to see what applies to you.

Thriving Communities Partnership – COVID-19 resource platform

A fantastic round-up of response packages, support and information, covering:

  • Utilities like electricity, gas and water

  • Telecommunications and internet

  • Health and safety

  • Financial services

  • Financial and legal assistance

Learn about accessing your super

The government has made changes to eligibility criteria for super access. You may be able to draw on yours already – but make sure you’re also aware of the potential impacts.

Information about eligibility and steps you should take before accessing your super.

A helpful fact sheet from The Guardian, with advice from Super Consumers Australia (part of CHOICE) about the risk of drawing down on your super during the COVID-19 crisis.

Although it’s impossible to know exactly how the pandemic will play out, Scott Pape – the Barefoot Investor – has some advice about the long-term risks of using your super to get through.

Keep your kids safe and happy

If you have children, they’re probably going through a whole range of feelings. It might help to seek extra support to keep them informed but not afraid.

With so many sources of information around, there’s a good chance your kids are hearing about COVID-19 already. This resource will help you talk to them in a constructive, thoughtful way.

The official word from the World Health Organisation about relieving anxiety and stress for your kids. The bottom line? Focus on relaxation, routine and extra love.

This article is prepared based on general information. It does not take into account individual financial objectives or needs and is not financial product advice.

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